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TSS (Total Suspended Solids)

October 13, 2016 3:25 pm

pH is the measure of concentration of H+ ions & OH- ions present in the sample which indicates whether the sample is acidic or basic.

Total Suspended Solids is amount of suspended solids present in the sample.


The term Total Suspended Solids is defined as the materials which are not dissolved in the sample. They are solids in the waste water sample that can be trapped by a filter. TSS can include a wide variety of material, such as silt, decaying plant and animal matter, industrial wastes, and sewage.


The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986
  Inland surface water Public Sewers Land for irrigation Marine coastal areas
Suspended solids mg/l, Max. 100 600 200 (a)For process waste water- 100
(b)For cooling water effluent 10 percent above total suspended matter of influent.
Particulate size of suspended solids Shall pass 850 micron IS Sieve --- --- (a)Floatable solids, max. 3 mm.
(b)Settleable solids, max. 850 microns.


High concentration of TSS can reduce the quality of water by trapping the light from reaching the submerged vegetation. As a result of this, the photosynthesis process of the plants slows down. Due to the reduced photosynthesis, less amount of dissolved oxygen is released by the plants into the water. Less dissolved oxygen can lead to fish kills.

High concentration of TSS prevents microorganisms from coming in contact with the disinfectants. This reduces the effectiveness of drinking water.

High TSS can result in clogging of pipes and machines.

Sample Handling & Preservation

Once the sampling is done, analysis should be carried out as soon as possible; because biological activity will continue taking place after the sample has been taken. Changes may occur during handling & storage which might hinder the characteristics of the sample. To reduce the change in sample used for determination of TSS, it is advisable to keep the sample at 4⁰C. Care should be taken to prevent freezing of the sample.

Analysis Procedure

  1. Switch on the balance (at least 30 mins before the test)
  2. Weigh the initial weight of filter paper
  3. Filter 20 ml of sample through filter paper
  4. Dry the filter paper in the oven at 103⁰C for 1 hr
  5. Keep the filter paper in the dessicator to cool it to the room temperature.
  6. Weigh the final weight of the filter paper


  • TSS (mg/L) = (A-B) X 1000 / ml of sample
  • where,
  • A: Weight of dried residue + filter paper
  • B: Initial weight of filter paper

Factors affecting TSS :

  • Soil erosion The eroded soil particles can be carried by storm water to surface water. This will increase the TSS of the water body.
  • Flow rate Flow rate of the water is an important factor in TSS considerations. The flow rate of the water varies. The water with higher flow rate carries heavy particles like sand, clay, organic particles from land to the surface water.


This experiment estimates the total suspended solids in the sample which helps to determine whether the sample is suitable for drinking purpose, agriculture & industrial purpose.


The details given are for general understanding. References should be taken from respective authorized agencies.

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